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Kinder Australia's Engineering Team
By : Braeside, Victoria, Australia
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At the heart of Kinder Australia are their highly experienced and passionate team.
The field applications and mechanical engineering staff are technically trained and experienced in all aspects of conveyor and bulk materials handling engineering. They are fully focused on advancing customers end-to-end handling processes by utilising their broad industry experience and expert engineering knowledge of emerging technologies, with the intention on improving productivity and safety first and foremost.
Their practical knowledge and installation experience have a global reach with extensive customer networks at international, national and local locations. This enables the team to listen and understand customers’ requests and make recommendations with confidence.
Kinder’s engineering department has rapidly grown and upskilled, providing solutions to overcome some of the industry’s most challenging obstacles. Dust, spillage, vibration and noise and have been just some of the issues that the engineers have faced when designing and improving Kinder’s products.
Empowered with the foundations of Engineering Qualifications (Mechanical, Aeronautical, Electrical and Chemical) and proficiency with Conveyor Engineering/Design skills, Kinder Australia’s Engineering Team are specialists when handling complex problems with excellent precision and execution.