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Intertek Minerals

By : 30 Nov -0001, 00:00 AM




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Intertek Minerals offers expert inspection, analytical testing and Advisory Services to the Minerals, Exploration, Ore and Mining Industries. We provide Services to our clients at each step of the supply chain from exploration, production, sampling and inspection to commercial Trade settlement analysis.

Intertek is located in key mining locations across the globe with an extensive network of mineral laboratory facilities spanning the Australia/Pacific, SE Asia, Africa and South American continents.

Intertek provides a wide range of services to the mining and minerals exploration industry through strategically located sample preparation facilities feeding state-of-the-art analytical laboratories; dedicated mine site laboratories and port facilities; and the provision of mobile sample preparation and customised analytical laboratories. These core services are complemented by Environmental monitoring /analysis and trade related marine inspection and services.

Minerals operates 49 commercial laboratories and sample preparation facilities throughout 29 countries including Australia, Asia, Africa and the Americas and have 19 client dedicated onsite facilities. We employ more than 2,200 people and process over 470,000 samples a month.



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