BYAN Has Reclaimed 7,218 Ha of Ex-Mining Land by 2021
PT Bayan Resource Tbk (BYAN) continues to be committed to restoring the environmental conditions offlora and fauna habitats as much as possible after mining activities are completed. President Director of PT Bayan Resources, Dato' Low Tuck Kwongsaid biodiversity conservation is part of efforts to preserve nature, from the pre-mining stage of mining to post-mining.Bayan Group'scommitment to environmental conservation and nature conservation is shown by the implementation of rehabilitation in watersheds (DAS) independently and with local contractors, as well as involving communities around the planting site area."The area of rehabilitation area for the Bayan Group Watershed in East Kalimantan Province and South Kalimantan Province until the end of 2021 reached 6,181 ha," he told CNBC Indonesia, quoted onFriday (11/11/2022).According to him, Bayan Group has carried out reclamation on ex-mining land cumulatively amounting to 7,218 ha until the end of 2021.Separately, Bayan's Director and Chief Operational Officer, Lim Chai Hock also did not deny that there was an impact from the mining industry's operations. Therefore, mining companies are required to prepare various efforts to minimize these impacts.This is in line with the urgency of the mineral and coal mining sector in Indonesia to meet global requirements in the form of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in order to carry out a sustainable business.Lim pointed out that for ex-mining land, mining companies can make the land productive again. For example, land with forest status needs to be restored to its original status."First, our company performs according to our obligations, reclamation, etc. Furthermore, what we can participate from the community is how to conserve nature, flora and fauna," said Lim.Meanwhile, in implementing green mining on former mining land, Bayan Group together with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have conducted an evaluation to adjust conditions in their respective areas for use.According to him, the determination of the use of ex-mining land needs to be carried out a joint assessment, based on social mapping. That way, the land can be optimally useful for the community.Image source: Dato’ Low Tuck Kwong, dok Maris Stella High School Alumni NetworkSource: